Maximize BESS financial performance while mitigating risks
Mitigate risks of deploying and operating energy storage systems with battery analytics. Efficiently manage your BESS portfolio on a dashboard, ensure safe operations by identifying and fixing safety-relevant trends in advance, and improve system performance and availability to maximize revenue.

Optimize your energy storage systems
Be in full control of your energy storage systems – don’t be reliant on integrators or third parties. Get a standardized overview of the status of your storages at the beginning of life to use as a basis for asset management long term. Have your own overview of all important energy storage KPIs to see on an overview or on a per-asset basis, providing you with the transparency needed to maximize profitability whilst mitigating risks.

Ensure safe and reliable operation of energy storage systems
De-risk deployment of your energy storage systems with TWAICE’s Digital Commissioning, which enables you to identify and fix issues that cannot be found with on-site commissioning. Continue to monitor your BESS portfolio during operations with more KPIs than are available with energy storage management systems, meaning risks and trends can be identified that would be impossible to identify otherwise.
Easily stay up to date about these risks via an incident log or, in severe cases, email notifications. Carry out root-cause analysis to ensure these risks can be prevented in the future and get recommendations on how to handle them.
Secure revenue with high BESS availability
BESS downtime can cost $1 million per year for a 100 MWh BESS. Be proactive in ensuring high availability to avoid this revenue loss with TWAICE. Access KPIs that indicate storage performance such as roundtrip efficiency, weak modules, and imbalanced modules or strings. Equip your maintenance teams with the information they need to fix these issues.
Reduce exposure to warranty risks
Get a full, real-time view of warranty conditions across your battery energy storage systems independent of suppliers including key performance indicators such as remaining capacity, warranty relevant cycling and roundtrip efficiency. Adapt operating strategies to ensure systems are operating within their warranty constraints and avoid unplanned de-ratings.
We are industry experts

Battery Analytics for ESS: Template Text for RFPs, RFIs & other contractual instruments
Our industry leading accuracy is why our customers are thinking differently about batteries
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- Talk to a member of the TWAICE team
- Get a demo of TWAICE battery analytics
- Find out how TWAICE delivers value to your business